Our Story
About Kiribati
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Working to build a sustainable future for I-Kiribati people
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Business education and Micro loans
Partnerships with local organizations
Remote or in-country internships
We empower female entrepreneurs
Kindling Kiribati provides financing for starting and scaling businesses and support towards economic independence.
Started in Summer 2019, Kindling Kiribati has helped over 500 entrepreneurs receive business education, and funded over 350 small business loans.
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Our 2023 Impact
Read the report
$42,845 AUD loaned
109 loans distributed
1,392 learning hours
Our partners
Rotary Club of Richfield, Utah
United Nations Development Program
Irish Aid
People’s Republic of China, Kiribati Embassy
Pacific Communities
Who are we?
Kindling Kiribati’s mission is to help Kiribati women build self-reliance and to create global citizens through our internship program.
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Where is Kiribati?
Kiribati is a country spread across 32 atolls and one island with a population of 121,000 people. The most populous of the atolls is South Tarawa, where Kindling Kiribati operates.
Learn about Kiribati
Kindling Kiribati is a non-profit reporting annually on our contributions to U.N. sustainable development goals One, Five, and Eight
See our impact
Our Story
About Kiribati
Our Team
Our Impact
Our Programs
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